Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

A letter For My Younger self 10 Years

Hello friends. On this occasion I will tell you about "letter to my older self 10 years".In the next 10 years. Will I still be alive? or I have moved the country? haha I hope not, because I really love Indonesia.

For myself  in the future"Hi. How are you? I hope you are still healthy and fine. I am writing this letter to you who are older than me. Ten years from now, I hope you can still use a little time between the frenzied schedule of activities to read a letter from me. I always try and pray for your success. Honestly I was really curious as to how your life at this time. maybe you smile reading this letter, perhaps. Although very busy I hope you also set aside for a bit of sport. You still like to listen to songs and exercising? You are still grappling with the same hobby and have the same properties as the old me? I hope you're also happy your parents. My mother and father loved you all your life. From birth, they have loved you, patiently teaching about everything even that is not taught in school though. make sure they remain proud of the fact you are, and I hope you have also found a good partner for you, even though you are not married at the time is now at least you own a friend who is always there for you. One more message for you, if you are married and then have children, do not forget to always share time for your family and take care of your little family. Yes, maybe just a little message I have for you, even though I have many things I want to convey. How was your condition now I hope you do not forget to always struggle, and also Live the people who are around you. "

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